(240) 530-8188

BlairLee’s Low Back & SI Pain Patient Story

Posted on: April 8th, 2022 by Our Team

This lady right here ran her first marathon Jan 9th, 2022! She is a fitting example of the weekend warrior with fierce determination. She came to us to manage her low back and SI joint pain with the goal of continued training for her marathon. We were able to keep her pain manageable while allowing her to continue her weekly training program. She was on the right path and able to continue to push her milage when she was met with a set back of a broken bone in her foot in mid-October. She spent 4 weeks in a walking boot to allow for proper healing, but this threw an unexpected wrench in the training program! We had to get creative to allow her continued progression of her training program while not being allowed to run, but she continued to push through and follow the direction of her therapist Gillian Kania and physicians. She was able to get back to running with some adjustments just in time with a few weeks to go before her marathon. Despite these setbacks she trusted us with her care and direction to get her through to her end goal. We are proud to say she finished the Disney Marathon Jan 9th despite all the bumps along the way. Thanks for letting us be a part of your goal Blairlee! Proud is an understatement!

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